0Thursday. 2nd [April 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 April 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Thursday. 2nd [April 1863]. We went to town to see Mrs Bertie. Not finding her in at first we went off & did some shopping; we went back at 1 oclock & found them in but just leaving for Orton. We went into the city to get Mary Unwin a wedding present and having chosen a small ring out of a wholesale warehouse we were proceeding to pay but they suddenly declined selling to us as we were not in the trade. So I went to Goodes the china shop & bought a biscuit china bracket wh we took to her & fetched away Connie (who went there to luncheon). We went to Philips the jewellers & they showed us some beautiful things made on Scandinavian patterns.

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