0Thursday. 4th [November 1869]—21 Grafton Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 November 1869 — 21 Grafton Street
Thursday. 4th [November 1869]. Constance came to lunch. I went shopping in afternoon with Henry. Blanche arrived from Ireland abt 6. We had a dinner party viz. Mr Helps, Mr Rate, Sir Wm Drake, Mr Ferguson & Mr Alison. Connie & C. came in the eveng & Blanche joined us as she did not dine down. We had a great deal of music & B sang magnificently & enchanted Arthur Helps—but he made me sing for the sake of recollection of our pleasant meeting at Gad’s Hill “Maggie Doodah”. He was very unhappy at our going off to Madrid. He said he had written a novel during our absence in Italy and would send me a copy. We broke up late.

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