0Tuesday. 10th October [1871]—Tarragona
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 October 1871 — Tarragona
Tuesday. 10th October [1871]. We found on getting to the station abt 9 that the train had been changed & left abt 10. Sr Consul came to see us off & gave me a small case of Eau de Cologne. We had a very slow journey. A man & woman were in the same compartment with us wh was a great bore as he smoked nearly all the way. At Tortosa we got a little food but it was not over good– Having breakfasted very early I was very glad when Giovanni got me a little later a bit of bread & some hard boiled eggs wh was all there was & a few grapes. We got at 8 to Valencia & were met by our Consul Mr Dart. He took us to the Hotel de Paris wh he had got us very nice rooms; we had dinner at once being very hungry. We found a lot of letters awaiting us & I had several very nice ones from Adeline & Maria & Henry’s mother.

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