0Thursday. 22nd February [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 February 1872 — Madrid
Thursday. 22nd February [1872]. I breakfasted in bed & having a bad cold did not go out all day. A good many people came to call. Eliz: M & Mme de Rambaire los Señores de Mentaberry & Mme Dragonetti. Eliz: told us that it was Mentaberry who wrote that scandalously abusive article against Dragonetti the “Pasteleria Italiana” & that a day or two after he went to the Palace & sent in his cards & asked to see Drag: He (D) concluded at once that he had come to offer him satisfaction & was prepared to fight him—when entering he began to explain to Dragonetti that tho’ he had written the article it had been merely for the sake of something to write & he had not intended to annoy him! Luckily after that Mme Drag: did not happen to meet him here this afternoon. We persuaded Eliz: to stay to dinner & sent her home in our carriage at 9– I then went to bed & Henry went to the Serranos– I had a very feverish night.

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