0Thursday. 21st [November 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 November 1872 — Madrid
Thursday. 21st [November 1872]. Drove in the afternoon & picked up Henry who walked & we went to the bird shop & bought a little black bird with a red ruff– We dined at Genl Sickles, a great banquet of 30 people. Mrs Sickles did not preside. Her son & heir only being 10 days old but every body was taken to see her & the baby– The infant was made to sit bolt up right so as to show off his robe in the arms of a smartly dressed “ama” wet nurse & Mrs Sickles sat opposite in robe de chambre looking very pale– Koudriaffsky took me in to dinner & I sat between him & Castilar with whom I spoke Spanish & got on very well. The dinner was long & gorgeous & it was so late that we did not remain long after dinner.

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