0Friday. 12th [December 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 December 1873 — Madrid
Friday. 12th [December 1873]. Practised & wrote & worked. After lunch drove out & met Henry in the Fuente & walked with him to the end of Recolletos. We had not been in very long before Maffei called all out of breath & told us how having had an altercation about some plants with a man, the man waited for him at his door followed him & at last took him by the collar & shook him. Maffei managed to get here & the porter protected him. We sent for the police & had the man arrested—but afterwards heard that Maffei had let him go. Lieut Kane & Mr Hammet two of the officers of the Lord Warden dined also Haggard & Hunt. After dinner Aurelie, Inzenga, mirecki, Fidorovitch, Pedrorena came & we had music– Mr Hunt sang with Piano & Violincello &c.

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