0Saturday. 22nd [May 1875]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1875 — Madrid
Saturday. 22nd [May 1875]. Mme Bauer fetched me to drive. I went to pay some farewell visits on to Fernan Nuñez & Mme Castro &c &c. At 7 we dined at the American Minister Mr Cushings at his hotel in the Fuente Castillana met Canovas del Castillo, M & Mme Castro, the D’Antas, Sr Salaverria & Cr Ludolf. Castro took me in & Cushing took in Mme Castro & put her in front of him. He forgot Canovas & told Henry to take in Mme d’Antas but Henry retired & left it to Canovas. In fact the whole thing was a great muddle. We left abt 10 & went to see the Bauers.

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