0Saturday. 19th [February 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 February 1876 — Madrid
Saturday. 19th [February 1876]. Sr Ruiz Gomez came to breakfast. Dr Brehm came & ordered me to try a complete regular diet, beginning with broth instead of tea in the morng. At 3 went with Henry called on the Bauers & then took him to the F.O. & left him there. I went & left some cards, called on Mme Greindl whom I found in & then came home quite early. We went to the opera to the Bauer’s box. Heard Norma. It was the Pozzoni’s benefit & she had crowns, bouquets & live pigeons thrown to her, but she sang dreadfully according to my idea. We came away early. The town was illuminated on our return (by order of the police) on acct of the taking of Vera from the Carlists. I came home. Henry went to the Hatzfeldts.

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