0Thursday. 27th April [1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 April 1876 — Madrid
Thursday. 27th April [1876]. Emilia came at 11 & I remained in bed writing invitations with her in order to rest myself & to be quiet. Henry also brought me a letter to copy. At 3 I had to get up as Css Montijo came to call to tell me how pleased she was with the visit HRH had paid her yesterday. She had all the members of her family with her—gave him tea & made him smoke. We dined at the Bauers & went on to the Opera. As we could not get a box the Ministers had invited us & the Walshams to Mins wh was just opposite the King’s private box. As it was a “funcion real” they waited for the arrival of the royal party. God save the Queen was played when they arrived. The King sat down & motioned to HRH to do the same & he stooped & said something on wh HM stood up again. It was evident the Prince told him he could not sit while they were playing the National air. The King gave the 1st place to HRH who however wd not take it but gave it to the Infanta. “Aida” was the opera given. Soon after 11 we went off to the Fernan Nuñez ball to be there before HRH came. He did not arrive till 12 & the ball was not begun till he came. He danced 1st quadrille with Dss of Fernan Nuñez– The daughter with P. Arthur & the D. of F.N. with me. At 2 we went down to supper in the conservatory– A small table was served in the recess where they sometimes dine when the royalty supped. We were abt 14 people at that table. The band of bandurrias played in the meantime. I sat between the D. of F. N. & P. Louis. There were also the Serranos, Alcañices, Sardoals. After supper they went to smoke & it being nearly 4 we got the P. to allow us to go home. I had to sit up for an hour writing invitations to our ball—& so it was 5 before we were in bed.

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