0Monday. 30th [October 1876]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 October 1876 — Madrid
Monday. 30th [October 1876]. Spent all day till 2 P.M sticking in newspaper scraps into their book. At 2.15 went out riding to the Fuente. The sun was very hot. Visit from a Ct da Carnota a Englishman with a Portuguese title who has lived 25 years in that country. He is brother to the Dss of Saldanha– A stout benevolent looking weak complexioned & hair man. Css Salm called– Later the Sra de Polo & her 2 “chicas” resplendent in very colours of the rainbow. She invited us on Friday eveng & said that ever other Friday “la chicas cantan”! Went to the Bauers in the eveng. Usual tertulia—Ojeda, Esquivel, Genl San Roman, Ct de Bañuelos, Valera, Llorente &c.

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