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24 April 1877 — Constantinople | |
Tuesday. 24th [April 1877]. Was better & up to breakfast at 9. Henry went to present his letters of credence to the Sultan. The S. sent 5 carriages for him & his suite & he took 16 people with him in order to make a great effect. The streets were crowded with people. He drove thro’ the principal street of Pera. The sultan wed him at Yildiz at his Kiosk there. After the official audience Henry had a private audience with only one of the ministers present. He says he found H.T.M. very attractive & intelligent– He seemed depressed & said he had not slept the night before for thinking of affairs. He seemed delicate & gave him the impression of being good, rightminded but weak in character. While Henry was away I had a visit from Ahmet Vefik & he told me that the Russians had declared war & it had just been announced in the Parliament of wh he is President. He was most amusing & spoke French to perfection. Mrs Baring called & also Mme Condouriotis the Gk Minister’s wife. Henry came home late as after the audience of the Sultan he had to pay official visit to the Grand Vizier & about 10 min: after he got home the Grand Vizier Safvet Pasha came to return the visit. | |
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