0Sunday. 20th May [1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 May 1877 — Therapia
Sunday. 20th May [1877]. We had service in the gallery. D.                of the American College of Hyssar came & read the morning prayers & preached– I played the harmonium. The sailors of the “Antelope” formed the choir. Dr Washburn lunched with us & afterwards he, Henry, Genl Dickson & I started in the caique to go to see Ahmed Vefik & just as we left it came on to rain & to blow & we had to turn back. Walked a little in the garden—but the weather was too bad to allow of being out much– Hobart Pasha dined with us & Mr Blount besides Ct Pisani, the Barings, Lady Kemball, Kennedy, Ashburnham, Smijth, Sandison, Mr Jocelyn wh with Sir Collingwood who is staying with us makes 14.

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