0Friday. 20th [July 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 July 1877 — Therapia
Friday. 20th [July 1877]. Went to bathe soon after 7. Wrote till breakfast. Worked & practised guitar. At 4 Mlle Zarifi, the 3 Mrs Hansons, Miss Boyd, Messrs Smijth, Kennedy & Elliott came & we had lawn tennis, croquet & Bull– Mr Rassam, Genl Dickson, Hobart Pasha, Henry, Capt Woods were also there. The Zarifi’s, Serkis’, Radolinski, Corti, Count Zichy, M. de Mony dined with us. A good many people came in to tea. The Condouriotis came & he seemed in very bad humour—said he had had a telegram from Adrianople that Greek subjects were being attacked & the consulate burnt or nearly burnt.

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