0Friday. 17th August [1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 August 1877 — Therapia
Friday. 17th August [1877]. Worked at sheets & sent off printed reports of our Ladies’ Society. At 11 Dr Dickson came & at 11.30 he & Miss Boyd & I went off in the caique to Kavak to see the new quarantine hospital wh is being arranged for the wounded & for wh we had made the mattresses. It was a long pull there as it is not far from the mouth of the Black Sea– We found there Escheref Effendi who had gone to inspect & he went round with us & showed us the 8 little houses each containing 4 rooms which stood on one side of the valley & the wash houses kitchens pharmacy &c on the other. We had to hurry home & did not get there till ¼ past 2 found Naurian Effendi & a friend who sat with us while we lunched & attacked them abt Kavak not being finished. Henry & Miss Boyd went out riding & came home early & we had lawn tennis. Mr Gay Corres: of D. Telegraph dined with us also Mr Smijth. Made bandages as usual. Sent 25 sheets to Kavak.

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