0Monday. 3rd [September 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 September 1877 — Therapia
Monday. 3rd [September 1877]. Mrs Fawcett came & we cut out work. Abt 11 the Kashgar Ambr called & soon after the Helicon arrived bringing Sir Edmund Commerell & Mr Gresley his Flag Lieut: to stay with us. At 5 o’cl we went out in the garden to work, have tea & play lawn tennis. Mr Rawson, Major de W’s bro: in law, Capt. Wingfield, Mr Graham &c came to play tennis. Css Radolinsky called & sat some time in the grove. Capt Stopford dined with us also Mr Kennedy. Had a good many people come in the evening & danced till 12 oclock.

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