0Thursday. 27th [September 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 September 1877 — Therapia
Thursday. 27th [September 1877]. Worked hard with Miss Boyd to send off things to Mr Kennett & we made 36 bandages—19 bolsters & 2 sheets in the morning. Dr Dickson & Major de Winton came to luncheon to talk over the relief of the 7000 fugitives near Scutari. The Parnis came to work in the afternoon. Miss B went out walking with Major de W. I took a turn with Henry in the garden before tea & then returned to work. Wrote to Mr Brown & practised a song till dinner. Made 100 bandages after dinner. Mr Smijth, Sandison, Capt. Greville & M. de Winton dined with us.

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