0Tuesday. 23rd [October 1877]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 October 1877 — Therapia
Tuesday. 23rd [October 1877]. The Red + ship arrived from the Black Sea bringing Capt. Malloy & Fraser– I was out in the garden attending to the arrangement of the piece under the rock. It was fine & warm & I sat out in the garden with Jerry making charpie. After lunch I walked to the village with the Genl to call on Mme Mavromati & then returned to find the Willie Hansons arrived to dine & sleep. We played lawn tennis. Hobart P. arrived from the Bk Sea & came to dine & sleep. Great talk with the Hansons abt H Guarracino having tried to destroy himself at their house on Saturday night. The shot having happily only gone thro’ his cheek. Made bandages & Mr Hanson worked the sewing machine in the eveng.

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