0Tuesday. 18th [December 1877]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 December 1877 — Constantinople
Tuesday. 18th [December 1877]. I woke with a headache & as I had promised to go to Hyssar with Henry I took the precaution of lying down until lunch time when I got up & dressed & went down to sit at lunch & then Henry, the Genl & I started in the open carriage for Dolmabaghcheh where the 6 oared caique was waiting for us. It threatened rain & was cold and we did not have a very agreeable trip. We found the Pasha in & the house over heated with stoves & mangals. I paid a visit to the Harem—but was glad to get away as my headached sadly & we got home about 5. I had to go to bed & suffered a good deal all the evening. At 9 Mrs de Winton came to me & remained with me till after 11.

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