0Saturday. 2nd [February 1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 February 1878 — Constantinople
Saturday. 2nd [February 1878]. Worked & in the afternoon went to the Khan with Mrs de Winton. She was feeling tired and unwell so I gave her some tea in her own room. We went to dinner with Mohsin Khan at the Persian Embassy at Stamboul—a large dinner where every thing was cold & bad excepting a Persian pilaf. After dinner we payed his wife a visit. At first Mme Gargiulo tried to interpret for us but we soon found that Mrs Baring was a better hand at it & we got on very well. There was a very pretty fair almost red haired slave there who brought in the tea. We left at about 10 but found the old bridge [not] open & had to go round by the new one & were dreadfully shaken & jolted only going at a foots pace.

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