0Monday. 4th February [1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 February 1878 — Constantinople
Monday. 4th February [1878]. Worked & cut out. Went in the afternoon with Henry to Stamboul to show him the Compassionate Fund Refuge house. From there we went to St Sophia which was full of Refugees. They told us there were between 4 & 6000 people there. It was a wonderful sight– Each family had installed itself in a group barricaded by their rugs &c &c—some were lying ill—some were huddled over their mangals– It was a curious contrast looking down on the misery & then looking up at the glorious building—the finest temple in the world—with its gold mosaics—& fine marbles– From there we went to see the new small pox hospital we have just started in a college building given us by Ahmet Vefyk P. for that purpose. There we saw his homme d’affaires who told us the Ministry was out & that Ahmet Vefyk P. had been called to form a Govt & be President of the Council & that the post of Grand Vizier had been abolished. We went home by 5. I worked at covering my screen till dinner time. Received in the eveng no dancing.

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