0Sunday. 17th March [1878]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 March 1878 — Constantinople
Sunday. 17th March [1878]. I did not go to church as at 12.30 I had to go off to Mme Fernandez. I found there Mme d’Ehrenhoff & Mrs Whitaker & we went on to the Galata Synagogue to see the wedding of 4 poor refugee Jewesses who had been ill treated by Bulgarians & who had fled from Kazanlyk with their friends. After waiting some time the 4 brides arrived heralded by some small boys who sang in the yard in front of the synagogue. The weddings were done each separately the Rabbis howling out the prayers at the top of their voices. The girls were very countrified looking very miserable & nervous & red in the face– Mme Fernandez gave each of them a piece of £T.5 & a kiss after the ceremonies. Three of them married the men they were originally engaged to. Baron Hirsch gave £30 to each bridegroom & a bracelet worth £30 to each bride. The ceremonies took so long I was not home till nearly 5. I was very cold & had to lie down & have tea on my return & in fact had got a chill. We had the Barings, Messrs Sandison, Smijth, L. Gower, Ken: Ash: Jocelyn & Ld George Montague to dinner.

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