0Friday. 17th [May 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 May 1878 — Therapia
Friday. 17th [May 1878]. Alarm about the Advance of the Russians still continues as they have all left San Stefano & moved to a nearer position on the heights. Henry went to town in the mouche. Dr Dickson came to see me & told me that the Russians were expected to take possession of Buyukdéré this afternoon. Mr Baring & Mr Kennett called & said Mr Fawcett had had alarming news from Baker Pasha. We played lawn tennis with Capt. Stopford. When Henry returned from town Mr Fawcett came to tell him that he had heard from Baker P. saying he was expecting to be attacked by the Russians. Lord George, Mr Ken: & Ash & Sandison dined.

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