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10 June 1878 — Therapia | |
Monday. 10th [June 1878]. Henry went to town in the mouche. Mrs A. Hanson came up to luncheon & then she went with the Genl to see the Refugees & I went to call on Mme Dolez. We then played a game of tennis. After Mrs Hanson & I called on Mme Parnis & then I found Mme Issoudun at home. I went home & found Ct Zichy had arrived to dine & sleep. We played tennis & had tea. Had a dinner party of 19 in honor of P. Labanoff—the Reuss, Fourniers, Conte (who slept here), Galvagna, Maynard, Onan, the Dolez. In the evening we had a party & dance wh did not last later than 12. Had a long letter from Hobart P. written from Hatfield. | |
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