0Saturday. 27th [July 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 July 1878 — Therapia
Saturday. 27th [July 1878]. Painted Aimée’s portrait all the morning. Directly after lunch I drove with the M. to Buyukdéré to call on Mme Radolinsky but did not gain admittance & came straight back. Count Zichy came while we were at lunch & there was very nearly a row as Schreiber tried to chaff him abt the Austrians coming to Constantinople instead of the Russians as Ld Salisbury said in the House of Lords the other day. Zichy got pale & we had to turn it off & shut up S. Henry & I & the d’E. girls played tennis but it was dreadfully hot. While I was hearing Jerry read before dinner we saw the Helicon arrive with Adl Sir Edmund Commerell and Mr Gresley– They have come to stop with us. Capt. Stopford dined with us.

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