0Thursday. 14th [November 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 November 1878 — Therapia
Thursday. 14th [November 1878]. Copied for Henry &c. May returned from Candilli. Just after luncheon Mr Smijth came to tell us that the “Antelope” were going to draw a seine and had sent to invite us to go & see it. We dressed at once & walked off Blanche, May & I & got there just in time to see it. The first time they took nothing but found they had forgotten to close the pocket of the net. A second time they tried & had no luck—& then a 3rd time but they got stuck in the rocks so we returned home in the gig & I went to play tennis. Read at 5. Mess. Ash: & Kennedy dined with us.

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