0Saturday. 16th [November 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 November 1878 — Therapia
Saturday. 16th [November 1878]. We worked all the morng for bazaar. After lunch we went out to lawn tennis tournament. Henry had to go to Yildiz directly after breakfast. Just as we were finishing lunch Ct Zichy arrived to see Henry & began to leave the messages for him with me when luckily Henry returned. The Student Interpreters, the Hanson Club & the Antelope Club played in the Tournament & we had a ladies game May & I against Mrs Willie Hanson & Miss Cumberbatch. We won. Therapia also won against all the others. Unfortunately it came on to rain hard & we had to take shelter under the trees several times. Hobart P. came to stay Sunday. Capt. Wingfield dined with us.

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