0Sunday. 8th [June 1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 June 1879 — Therapia
Sunday. 8th [June 1879]. Went to church. In the afternoon took the Dicksons & B. Bilinsky, Sir A. Sandison in the 6 oared caique to Korfez. Mrs W. Hanson & May Boyd met us there. We walked a long way up the valley to find a place to make tea. We met a zaptieh who told us that a little further on we shd find a lovely place & a spring of water & offered to show us the way saying it was quite close. We followed him a long way in a very hot sun & were at last rewarded by finding a lovely spot planted with enormous trees a kind of reservoir & a clear spring—& turf seats under the shade of the trees. We came back home in the cool of the eveng after having had tea there. The Hobarts dined with us.

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