0Wednesday. 13th [August 1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 August 1879 — Therapia
Wednesday. 13th [August 1879]. Went at 1 o’cl with Henry & Blanche in the carriage to the Bends for a picnic given by Genl. & Lady Dickson. It was rather a hot drive. We got there abt 2 & saw a very large party—the Puseys—Mrs Willie & Miss Boyd—all our Embassy—Mr Oliphant, Mr Grace, Mr Kay &c &c We had a large dinner prepared for us wh lasted abt 1½ hour. At the end of it we moved down to the bend & sat there some of us, others walked in the wood, some rode, some sauntered until abt 6 when we all gathered together again & had tea or pretended to do so, for we had had such an immense lunch that it was impossible to begin again to eat so soon. At abt 7 we set off home again. We dined at 8 & went to bed.

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