0Friday. 23rd [January 1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 January 1880 — Constantinople
Friday. 23rd [January 1880]. I had a lesson of Mr Walker & began a portrait of Alice—just drew it. Wrote letters for the post & walked in the garden in afternoon. The Hobarts came to see me. I gave them tea in my boudoir. I warned them not to ask Turkish ladies to their masked balls as it would be sure to anger the Sultan against the Pasha. They said they had thought of doing so—but he said he agreed with me & should put a stop to it. We had a small dinner party—the Pattersons, Willy Hansons, Radolinsky, Mr d’Ehrenhoff & Amy & Major Colborne &               . They played dominoes in the evening. It was dreadfully cold.

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