0Sunday. 29th [February 1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 February 1880 — Constantinople
Sunday. 29th [February 1880]. I went to church in the morng & we had a dreadfully long sermon from Mr Bagden. I walked in the garden with Henry after lunch & then had my teeth stopped by Dr Dorigny who came here to do it. Had usual Embassy dinner. Mr Onan & Col Kummerau were out riding beyond the Taksim & before you come to [illegible word] when some Turks met them & fired at them. Mr Onan was not touched but Col. Kummerau was badly wounded & had to be taken into the French hospital. There is great horror & excitement. It is supposed Onan’s death was intended—some vengeance—& that the assassins were hired ones.

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