0Wednesday. 17th [March 1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 March 1880 — Constantinople
Wednesday. 17th [March 1880]. Copied Henry’s letter in bed & only got up for lunch. Mrs Walker paid me a visit in my room & Mrs Arthur came & sat with me. It was a fine day & a thaw & Henry went into the garden. I did not go out not feeling very well. Visit from Mme Mühlig & Horace Guarracino abt making more refugee clothes & later from Ct Radolinsky. Had a dinner party in honor of Css Dubsky at wh besides her & her husband we had M. Basily (Russian secy), Prince Campo Reale—the Villa Mantillas—Ct Corti, Mr St John, Alice & Arthur Burr 12 in all. There was usual game of dominos.

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