0Friday. 23rd [April 1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 April 1880 — Constantinople
Friday. 23rd [April 1880]. Mrs Jolliffe came to lunch with us. I had to submit to a couple of hours under the dentist Dorigny– He had hardly finished with me before Henry sent for me to go & plant some trees in the garden. I planted a stone pine in the middle of the plot of grass on the chapel side of the garden—a cedar on the same side nearer the house. Mr St John planted a cedar on the opposite plot to my cedar– We then drove over Henry, Mrs Jolliffe, Mrs Lascelles & I to the Sweet Waters but we got there rather late as most of the Turkish ladies were returning home—& we were smothered with the dust of the road. We had to return by 5 in order to have the Concert Committee meeting– I met the Persian Ambr at the Sweet Waters & begged him to come to the meeting & as it happened it was a good stroke as he was most useful. Ct Hatzfeldt also came & wrote the protocole. It was decided the day shd be 3rd May—the Greek Easter Monday (as it happened) & Ct Hatzfeldt wd print the programmes, Mme Condouriotis the advertisements—Mohsin Khan the tickets & each undertook to sell tickets besides the above we had, Mme Onan, Css Dubsky, Mrs Heap. It was nearly dinner time when we separated & I was tired. Mr Nicolson dined with us.

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