0Friday. 25th [March 1881]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1881 — Langham House, Portland Place
Friday. 25th [March 1881]. While I was dressing in the morng I had such a toothache that I decided to go straight to the dentist—so I put on my bonnet & went off with Hill while the others were at breakfast. Mr Harding received me—looked at the offending tooth & recommended me to have it out– I agreed & refusing chloroform he set abt pulling it out. He tugged & he tugged—uselessly. Three times he tried & at last he had to break the tooth in my head before he could get it out—the fangs were so spread they could never have passed thro the jawbone. I bore it all very well but afterwards had to go home to bed & I suffered dreadfully all day. Alice Du Cane came to see me but I could not bear her to stay. Towards eveng I got a little better & got on the sofa.

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