0Tuesday. 24th July [1883]—Berlin
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 July 1883 — Berlin
Tuesday. 24th July [1883]. After breakfast at 9 we walked off to the picture gallery to meet Herr Lipmann in the print room. He came up from Potsdam on purpose & showed us the book lately bought at the Hamilton sale. A Dante illustrated by Sandro Botticelli. It is a large work & takes some time to look thro’ so we could only look thro’ it hastily. We saw also the so called Rafael drawing which cost 13,000 marks & wh Morelli declares to be Pinturicchio. We then went down to the sculpture gallery to see the Figure of St John the Baptist said to be by Michelangelo—but tho’ beautiful we cd not believe it to be by him. Henry also went to copy an inscription from one of the Nineveh marbles as he promised to send one to the C. Princess to put in her Bible. We then returned to the hotel & lunched. At abt 4 we drove to the Thiergarten to hear the band play. We found it did not play till 6 & so we walked abt to see the wild beasts & were much interested in seeing a lioness with 2 cubs. We then took chairs, had coffee & listened to the music for an hour & returned to the hotel. Henry went down to dinner. I remained upstairs & had tea as I had a headache. Cribbage.

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