0Tuesday. 25th September [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 September 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 25th September [1883]. Did hardly anything this morning to speak of. The Genl., Lady Dickson & Mr Colnaghi went to see the Ducal Palace. After lunch Lady D. & I worked in the studio together & at 3.30 we went with the Genl. out in gondola & fetched Henry & Mr Colnaghi at the Stabto & thence to the Piazza & to S. Moisé for Lady Dickson to shop & then came home to tea– Henry had a visit from the questore whom he says is a very nice man & we were glad to make his acquaintance. We dined at 7. Henry took the Genl. & Mr Colnaghi out afterwards– Lady Dickson & I remained at home & went early to bed.

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