0Monday. 13th October [1884]—Perugia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 October 1884 — Perugia
Monday. 13th October [1884]. Breakfast 8.30 & then went out to see the town. We found that the old guide Scalchi whom Henry had known since 52 was yet alive & we sent for him. We went to the Duomo to see the carving & entarsia work &c. Coming out we met Scalchi grown somewhat old & feeble but delighted to see Henry. We went into the Cambio where the carvings & frescos are very beautiful. Then we went to the Pinacoteca & spent a long time seeing the pictures wh are very well arranged in the 3rd story of the old town hall. Henry made copious notes for his Kügler & then we met a Profr Rossi with whom Henry entered into conversation & who gave him some information. The gallery was not regularly open today Monday being cleaning day. One of the custodes was very civil & intelligent & showed off the pictures names, dates &c. At 12 we went to see the Facade of the Confraternita of S. Andrea & then to the Madonna della Luce where there is a fresco by [illegible word] not very important. Then to the Confraternita of S. Francesco to see a picture of the Flagellation author not known. Scalchi said Leighton had admired it very much. Then we went home to lunch at 1. At 2.30 we set out with Scalchi to see the Church of S. Dominico to see a very fine old painted window wh much to our dismay had been spoilt by restoration. Also of fine tomb of one of the Popes. On to S. Pietro wh is full of fine things. A splendid carved chair—pictures by Perugino Sassoferrato &c & fine choir books &c & beautiful ceiling– Henry bought a lot of photos of the carvings. Walked back to the hotel. I read—& drew till 6.30 dinner time table d’hôte. After dinner we went up to the Westenberg’s room with them to have coffee & sat there talking till past 9. Bed 10.

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