0Saturday. 8th [August 1885]—Zurich
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 August 1885 — Zurich
Saturday. 8th [August 1885]. Took a walk & drive round the town in the morning. Left Zurich by 9.30 train & went to Lucerne. There we found a tremendous crowd of travellers & the Gt Hotel National was so full that they had to put us in a Villa a little way off where however, we were very comfortable. We dined at the table d’hôte at 6.30 in an immense room quite full of people. French, Russians &c & very few English. After dinner there was a fête on the lake. Four steamers with bands of music & coloured lights took passengers on the Lake. The tops of the surrounding hills had bonfires– At our hotel Bengal lights were burnt & pompiers went abt quêting for the sufferers in the late hailstorms. There were some feeble fireworks & rockets but we went to bed & left them going on.

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