0Sunday. 27th March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 27th March [1887]. I went to Blanche’s pew at Vere St. It was a showery day but quite hot & spring like. After service I went to see Kate & sat some time with her. Mama came & brought us some old playbills that she had kept of plays she saw at Stamford where she was 12 years old with all her remarks at the back. It was very amusing. Came home to lunch. At 5 I went to see Susan Hambro & then walked up to Maria’s to join Henry; he was just leaving when I got there so I remained on & Maria & Louis walked home with me. We dined at Stratheden House with Mr Mitchell Henry. Met the Gregorys & Ld Normanton &c. Went on to the French Embassy & spent an hour there.

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