0Monday. 8th August [1887]—Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 August 1887 — Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
Monday. 8th August [1887]. Wrote & read in the morning. At 1 we started, the Gregorys & we to go to Tallyra in the waggonette to lunch with Mr Martyn & his mother. We met there Visconite de Bastereau, Miss Persse, Miss Galbraith, a Mr Lynch. We had a splendid banquet & a pleasant party & started off directly after lunch for the garden party at Castle Taylor about half an hour’s drive further on. Castle Taylor is a picturesque place & the owner is married to a sister of Lady Gregory. The house is built on to an old Irish tower covered with ivy & very picturesque. The gardens are beautiful & very well kept up. There is a fine old bowling green of an immense size where 6 tennis courts were prepared & where we found many people playing. After watching the play some time & walking round the gardens we returned to the house for tea & then started at 6 for Coole. Some of the Lough Cutra party were at Castle Taylor & with them a young Mr Welby secy of Embassy at Paris. He told us Lord Lyons has settled to retire & leave Paris.

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