0Thursday. 26th January [1888]—San Remo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 January 1888 — San Remo
Thursday. 26th January [1888]. Henry & Ola started to go to Mentone to visit Lord & Lady Hammond. On their way down to the station they met Signor Morelli and turned back. Morelli & I went up to the Villa at 11 & were taken out with the Crown P. & Pss, Dr Hovell, Capt. Kessel. We walked a long way up a hill & one was glad to see how well the Prince could walk. He had to stop & rest now & then on the way up hill—that is to say he turned to look at the view & leaned on his umbrella—but we took a walk of 1½ hour. A carriage followed & as we were returning & it got near lunch time the Cn P. & Pss, Dr Hovell & I got in the carriage & drove back to the villa. They kept Morelli & me to lunch & the Pss took me up to her room to take off my bonnet. She showed me how tiny was her dressing room & she took me into their bed room—& into the Crown Prince’s sitting room a large room in the center of the house over the drawing room—where his table was covered with papers & writing materials. I sat next to him at lunch & he eat very well– Some of his dishes were minced for him & a special dish with out sugar was served to him for pudding. On the table in front of him lay a block for writing & a lazy tongs with which he handed papers across the table to his secretary or ADC. After lunch we returned to the hotel & found Ola & Henry ready to go for a walk & we went out together. In the town we met the Princesses & the Crown Princess & they joined us & we all walked together & we came back to our Hotel Victoria & sat in the garden a bit & then the 3 young Princesses came up to our sitting room & had tea with us. At 8 we all 3 & Morelli dined with the Royalties at the Villa. The Crown Prince took Pss Charlotte & me each on one arm & I sat next to him. Tho’ he could not speak beyond a whisper he was cheerful & eat well.

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