0Wednesday. 26th June [1889]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 June 1889 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 26th June [1889]. Henry, Maria & I drove to Huguenot Hospital to the Anniversary fete. We were there by 3 & went to the chapel where there was a French service. The children of the London French church in their neat costumes sang very nicely. The sermon was rather long. Sat in the garden afterwards till 5 when there was a collation. I sat next the V. President Mr Shoppee & Mr Dunsdale on my right. There was a plentiful meal– Mr Shoppee was very active with his hammer & giving the toasts in French. We had to leave before it was over—Henry was dining out. Found Nurse Mellett waiting to see me– She had cut off all her beautiful hair!

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