0Friday. 10th [July 1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 July 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 10th [July 1891]. Today was the procession thro’ London of the Emperor of Germany. A Ceylon lady, Miss Diaz Bandaranaika who is now in England to see the world came to lunch with us. She is the 1st Senegalie lady who has come. She is very dark skinned—has good quiet manners & is delighted with every thing in Europe. She was introduced to us by Sir Wm Gregory who knows her family well in Ceylon. Before lunch we took her to the National Gallery from the steps of which we saw the Emperor pass by in semi state– There was no real procession– The day was fine & London looked its best– We met a good many friends at the gallery seeing the sight. Sir Henry Thompson dined with me & we went to Drury Lane to see “Drink” a piece adapted from Zola’s book– It was curious how the audience sympathised with good sentiments & hissed the villain. It is a painful piece.

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