0Saturday. 26th [March 1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 26th [March 1892]. Weather suddenly changed & it rained hard all day. I took Mrs Hanson & Kathleen & Ola to Css Papadopoli’s ball. The D & Dss of Genoa were at it & also the young Dss of Montpensier (Infanta Eulalia). It was a small ball. I was taken in to supper by Genl Bilotti in command at Padua. The supper was served in the small refreshment room on the same floor as the ball room & very hot. We returned home at 2 & adjourned to our kitchen to soup & sandwiches.

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