0Monday. 11th [July 1892]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 July 1892 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 11th [July 1892]. Merthyr & Theo came to town & stopped with us. I drove to the Temple to see Mrs Vaughan & later Blanche & Mama came there & we all sat out in the garden in front to the Master’s house—& other people also came but no one I knew. Blanche & I went on to a garden party at Lady Wantage’s. In the evening we all went to “Venice in London” at the Olympia—an absurd show got up to represent Venice. There were real canals & shortened gondolas in one of wh we went & imitations of the palaces. It was well done but very absurd & the gondolier who rowed us recognized us at once. The ballet was magnificent & really a fine effect.

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