0Thursday. 16th February [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 February 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 16th February [1893]. I went to church with Ola after lunch & there was no one but her & myself. I joined Henry after in the Piazza & there met Mrs Eden & she walked with us. At 4 she & I walked to the Marcello door where Carrie went in & I went on. Meeting Gino Marcello at the door he accompanied me to S. Angelo where I got our gondola & went across to Css Bianchini’s 2 doors from us & then I came home at 5 to Tea. In the evening we had our first mandoline practise of this year. We had the mandoline master to play 1st mandoline with Maria Lucchese Palli, 2nds Dss della Grazia & Mme Stefani, Ola mandola & Mrs Hulton & I guitars. I sent out invites for Saty.

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