0Saturday. 18th [February 1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 February 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 18th [February 1893]. I breakfasted in bed. Went out with Henry & walked on the Lido & went to tea at the Edens. Dined at 7. At 9.30 our party began– The rooms looked very pretty all lighted. Abt 60 people came. The D. & Dss of Genoa arrived punctually at 10. Stella Dyer played the Andante of Bruch, the Polonaise of Laub & the Habanera. There were intervals of talk & rest and the buffet opened at 11.30. But being Lent no one could eat till after 12. When we returned to the hall Stella played once more & then the Dss asked if I would allow them to dance. We could not refuse so cleared the end of the Hall—& some of the gentlemen played while the rest danced. Henry took the Duke to smoke part of the time & then he danced a quadrille with me. At 1 they left & by 1.30 every one else was gone—& it struck 2 as I got into bed.

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