0Sunday. 22nd October [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 October 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 22nd October [1893]. I went off alone to Vescovana by the 9.40 train to see Countess Pisani. It was a splendid day & she sent the open carriage to Stanghella to take me to Vescovana. The sun was so hot I had to use my parasol. I found my “mammie” as I call her recovering from a bad cold & not having been out of the house for 10 days. I arrived just in time for luncheon—& afterwards we sat & talked & had much to say not having met since May. We discussed the propriety of Madge Symonds book describing the Countess & her home which is soon coming out under the name of “The Doges Farm.” She never asked her permission till after it was written & then it was too late & the Countess was too proud to do more than throw out hints wh she was too obtuse to see. I am much annoyed at this violation of hospitality shown to an Englishwoman & the only excuse is that Madge is so young she does not know the usages of life & has no inate tact. I went out in the course of the afternoon with Biscoccio the gardener to see all the improvements. It was quite hot in the sun. Came in to tea at 4 & talked again till dinner time 6.30. D. Antonio dined with us—& also expressed his dissatisfaction of “The Doges Farm” in which he is described rather unpleasantly. At 8.15 I went off to the station for the 8.54 train back to Venice. Found the train was 57 minutes behind time & had to sit in the dirty waiting room where there were children, men & women in the same plight. It was a splendid moonlit night. The station master was very polite & put me into the ladies carriage which coming & going I had entirely to myself. Old Giovanni met me at Venice & I got home just at midnight instead of 10.20. The delay was chiefly owing to the breaking of 2 bridges on the Bologna line by inundations.

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