0Wednesday. 28th August [1895]—Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 August 1895 — Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
Wednesday. 28th August [1895]. Merthyr came over to see us in morng & accompanied Maria, Nela & me to the station & saw us off on our journey to Talygarn to pay Mr Clark a visit. We had to change trains at Mangotsfield, at Bristol & Cardiff. Left Bournemouth W. at 12 & reached Llantrisant 6.30. Found a large party staying there Hon. Mr & Mrs Mon: Erskine & Mr Stewart Erskine—Hon. Mr & Mrs Pelham, Miss Strong. I was very tired & had to go to bed directly after dinner & had violent sick attack.

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