0Monday. 16th [December 1895]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 December 1895 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 16th [December 1895]. Nelly came in the morning & took Kitty out shopping. Monty Alderson came to lunch & also my sister Blanche & Nelly also– Kate left for Lutterworth & took her Mary back from Pk. Crescent. After lunch I went off to Harrod’s stores & helped him to shop. We returned here to tea & Nelly came back also. Afterwards Hannah the housemaid & I put the books into the new book case. The Duncannons & A. Du Cane dined with me. I had walked out with Nelly when she left at 6 & met Arthur DC & asked him to dine.

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