0Thursday. 30th April [1896]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 April 1896 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 30th April [1896]. When I woke I found Lady G. had arrived at 5 this morning. I wrote letters in bed till 11. Aline got up & had her hair washed & then went back to bed—but we all 3 were down to lunch. Mrs Eden called & we (Augusta & I) took her to her garden. Aline had a headache & remained in. There were no others at the garden & we had tea there. On the way back we stopped at the Montalbas & brought Clara with us & she brought the cage with her parrot in wh it had built a nest of sticks—spoons spectacles &c to introduce it to my parrot to see if they will pair. She left it here. A great thunderstorm came up just before dinner. I read aloud to Aline & Augusta. Began Mme Octave Feuilets “Souvenirs & Correspondences.” Patience in eveng & early to bed.

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